
CPHI制藥在線 資訊 zhulikou431 龍年談之一:歐盟企業(yè)如何面對(duì)藥品標(biāo)準(zhǔn)變更


熱門(mén)推薦: 藥品標(biāo)準(zhǔn)變更 MPM 歐洲藥典
作者:zhulikou431  來(lái)源:zhulikou431




       2023年10月30日,EMA發(fā)布《Q & A on implementation of Ph.Eur. Medicinal Product Monographs》。

       1.Should a finished product for which a Ph.Eur. Medicinal Product Monograph (MPM) is official comply with the requirements of that Monograph


       In principle, finished products for which a Ph.Eur. Medicinal Product Monograph (MPM) is official should comply with the requirements described in the Monograph, unless otherwise prescribed in General Notices of the Ph.Eur.


       Different scenarios exist:


       In case the MPM is official before the medicinal product is approved, the finished product has to comply with the requirements described in the Monograph. In this case the applicants have possibility and time to take the MPM specifications and analytical methods into account when setting specifications and developing suitable analytical methods for the specific medicinal product.


       In case the medicinal product is approved before the MPM is developed, the MPM should have been developed to embrace the quality of all approved medicinal products. If this has not been the case and the finished product specification is wider than the range described in the MPM, this should be communicated to the NPA (National Pharmacopoeia Authority) and EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare) to be considered for inclusion in a revised monograph.


       See also questions below for more details.


       2. How can the compliance with the Ph.Eur. monograph for a medicinal product be demonstrated during a MA procedure, when alternative methods are proposed in the MA dossier


       In order to demonstrate compliance with the Ph. Eur. MPM, the applied finished product should be tested against the Ph. Eur. MPM using same analytical methods (except for dissolution, see Question 3 below).


       It should be demonstrated whether the Ph. Eur. analytical methods are suitable for controlling the specific product in question (composition, manufacturing method and container closure system etc.). It should be demonstrated (preferably in CTD Module 3.2.P.5), whether the MPM actually controls the entire impurity profile of the finished product (i.e. all relevant impurities, degradation products, nitrosamines) or not.

       需要證明Ph. Eur. 的分析方法是否適用于特定產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)控要求(包括組分、制造方法和容器密封系統(tǒng)等)。最好在CTD模塊3.2.P.5中進(jìn)行證明,MPM是否實(shí)際控制了成品的整個(gè)雜質(zhì)譜(例如所有相關(guān)雜質(zhì)、降解產(chǎn)物和亞硝胺)。

       According to the General Notices of the Ph. Eur., alternative methods (i.e: in-house methods) may be used for control purposes, provided that the methods used enable an unequivocal decision to be made as to whether compliance with the standards of the monographs would be achieved if the official methods were used. The methods of analysis confirm compliance with corresponding Ph.Eur. criteria, if tested. (see also Question 4 and 5).


       “It is acknowledged that additional controls may be required to monitor degradation products other than those controlled by the monograph (e.g. degradation products related to different excipients or containers used, or from a different manufacturing process).” (Ph. Eur. General Notices

       需要認(rèn)識(shí)到除了藥典所控制的降解產(chǎn)物項(xiàng)目之外,可能需要額外的控制措施來(lái)監(jiān)測(cè)與不同輔料、容器或制造工藝相關(guān)的降解產(chǎn)物。(Ph. Eur.凡例1.5.3.1.)

       3. Is it necessary to demonstrate the compliance with the dissolution test and requirements recommended in the Ph.Eur. MPM


       Test and requirements for dissolution in MPMs are minimum requirements and not mandatory per se (see Ph. Eur. General Notices). For dissolution test, the specification should be derived from the dissolution results of the bio batch(es) in the individual marketing authorization procedure and the dissolution method should be discriminatory for the specific product (manufacturing process/product formulation).


       Broadening the Q-value can only be justified by in-vivo data. It is important to note that the dissolution test described in the respective Ph. Eur. Medicinal Product Monographs can only be used if the applicant has demonstrated the suitability (including discriminatory power) of the test for the given product to the satisfaction of the competent authority. In any case, the dissolution test proposed should be approved by the competent authority in the context of the marketing authorization procedure.


       Demonstration of compliance with the monograph dissolution test is not required as part of a MAA or MAV. However, when tested, the medicinal product has to comply with the monograph dissolution test, unless otherwise justified by the applicant.


       Further guidance on the dissolution test can be found in the Ph. Eur. General Notices (


       4. Should the already approved in-house specification be changed to the one described in the MPM


       For medicinal products already on the market with a valid marketing authorization licence, in case the approved shelf life specification limits are in line with or stricter than the Medicinal Product monograph there is no need to change the specification(s) limits and methods.


       Alternative methods (i.e: the already approved in-house methods) may be used for control purposes, provided that the methods used enable an unequivocal decision to be made as to whether compliance with the standards of the monographs would be achieved if the official methods were used. The methods of analysis confirm compliance with corresponding Ph.Eur. criteria, if-tested.


       If higher/wider limits than indicated in the Medicinal Product Monograph (limits compared using the same analytical method) have been approved for a product, and these are justified in line with current ICH/EU requirements and actual batch data, these should be communicated to the NPA and EDQM to be considered for inclusion in a revised monograph (see also Question 6 below).


       However, in case the higher/wider limits of the product are not fully justified by batch data, tightening the limits to the MPM’s requirements is needed by submission of a variation application.


       ‘It should be noted that the specification limit is specific for the respective analytical method and therefore, limits cannot be compared across different analytical methods’.


       5. Should the in-house developed methods be changed to the methods described in the MPM


       No. The product should comply with the requirements of the Medicinal Product Monograph (MPM) see Question 1, but it does not mean that it is mandatory for the manufacturer to use the monograph methods.


       According to the Ph. Eur. General Notices, alternative methods (i.e: in-house methods) may be used for control purposes, provided that the methods used enable an unequivocal decision to be made as to whether compliance with the standards of the monographs would be achieved if the official methods were used. The methods of analysis confirm compliance with corresponding Ph.Eur. criteria, if-tested.


       According to the Ph. Eur. General Notice, alternative methods can be used:


       “ Alternative methods. The tests and assays described are the official methods upon which the standards of the Pharmacopoeia are based. With the agreement of the competent authority, alternative methods of analysis may be used for control purposes, provided that the methods used enable an unequivocal decision to be made as to whether compliance with the standards of the monographs would be achieved if the official methods were used. In the event of doubt or dispute, the methods of analysis of the Pharmacopoeia are alone authoritative.” (General Notices of Ph.Eur.)



       For dissolution testing see Question 3 above.


       6. Is it possible to authorize a finished product with wider limits than those laid down in the MPM


       A medicinal product with wider limits than those laid down in the monograph could be authorized only in very exceptional cases.


       In case the proposed wider limits than those laid down in the monograph (limits compared using the same analytical method) are appropriately justified by the applicant in line with current ICH/EU requirements (by respective preclinical/toxicological studies/references, proper development, excipients, packaging material, actual batch analysis and stability data etc.) the marketing authorisation could be granted.


       According to the General Monograph on Pharmaceutical Preparations (2619) section “Related substances”: “In exceptional circumstances and if justified by the applicant to the satisfaction of the competent authority, the latter may approve a wider limit than that described in the monograph. In these rare cases, the competent authority shall bring this to the attention of the Ph. Eur. Commission for review of the monograph and, where appropriate, its revision”.


       7. Is it necessary to submit variation application in order to demonstrate compliance with the MPM


       If no change is required, a variation application does not need to be submitted, but the supportive data (including suitability of the MPM methods) demonstrating compliance of the existing product with the MPM should be available at the manufacturing/control site. It should be kept in mind that the product should comply with the requirements of the MPM if tested (e.g. by an OMCL).


       If any changes are needed, they should be submitted in line with the EC variation classification guideline.


       8. Which type of variation should be used for changing the specification and/or analytical methods to those described in the MPM


       The classification of the variation should correspond to the existing sub-categories of the EC Variation Classification Guideline in sections:


       B.II.d.1 “Change in the specification parameters and/or limits of the finished product” or B.II.d.2 “Change in test procedure for the finished product”



       According to CMDh Q&A (List for the submission of variations according to Commission Regulation (EC) 1234/2008) point 3.8.:

       根據(jù)CMDh問(wèn)答文件《List for the submission of variations according to Commission Regulation (EC) 1234/2008》的3.8點(diǎn):

       Variation B.III.2 only relates to active substances, excipients, immediate packaging materials and active substance starting materials. Changes to comply with Ph.Eur. or with a national pharmacopoeia of a Member States affecting the finished product should be submitted according to the relevant variations listed under B.II. d.

       變更分類(lèi)B.III.2僅涉及活性物質(zhì)、輔料、內(nèi)包裝物料和活性物質(zhì)起始物料。為了符合歐洲藥典或成員國(guó)國(guó)家藥典的要求,并影響成品制劑的變更應(yīng)根據(jù)B.II. d下列出的相關(guān)變更進(jìn)行提交。

       9. Is it necessary to submit variation application if the approved shelf life limits are in line with or stricter than the MPM


       No. In order to avoid the numerous unnecessary variation applications, it is not recommended to change the already approved specifications and/or the method in case the approved shelf-life limits are in line with or stricter than the MPM. The approved specification has already been evaluated and authorized according to EU/ICH guidelines and the obtained batch/stability data using validated analytical methods.


       10. Is it possible to widen the specification limits to be the same as specified in the MPM


       Impurities/related substances: For already authorized products compliance with a monograph does not mean that the limits for impurities/related substances have to be widened. The specification represents process capability/product performance associated with safety and efficacy. Therefore, wider limits than previously approved need sound justification.


       Dissolution: No. For dissolution test, the specification should be derived from the dissolution results of the biobatch(es) in the individual marketing authorization procedure and the dissolution method should be discriminatory for the specific product (manufacturing process/product formulation).


       Broadening the Q-value can only be justified by in-vivo data.

       It is important to note that the dissolution test described in the Ph. Eur. MPM can only be used if the applicant has demonstrated the suitability of the test for the given product to the satisfaction of the competent authority. In any case, the dissolution test proposed should be approved by the competent authority in the context of the MAA assessment.


       11. Which variation category should be used to widen the specification limits to be the same as specified in the MPM


       Change (widening) the impurity or assay limits of the finished product to the limits in the Ph. Eur. monograph: Type II, B.II.d.1.e (Change outside the approved specifications limits range).


       Change (widening) the dissolution limits of the finished product to the limits in the Ph. Eur. monograph: Type II, B.II.d.1.e (Change outside the approved specification limits range). It is important to note that such a change should be justified by new in vivo data (see also Question 10).




       2021年11月,EDQM采用新通則5.26《Implementation of pharmacopoeial procedures》,對(duì)于藥典實(shí)施細(xì)節(jié),進(jìn)行厘清。


       例如,2023年7月17日,EDQM發(fā)布《Implementation of the European Pharmacopoeia Supplement 11.3 – Notification for CEP holders》。

       Supplement 11.3 of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is now available. Holders of Certificates of suitability to the monographs of the Ph. Eur. (CEPs) are invited to update their applications according to the revised monographs that will be implemented on 1 January 2024, and to follow the instructions given below.

       歐洲藥典(Ph. Eur.)的增補(bǔ)版11.3現(xiàn)已發(fā)布。持有歐洲藥典各論適應(yīng)性證書(shū)(CEPs)的持有人被提醒根據(jù)將于2024年1月1日實(shí)施的修訂各論更新API注冊(cè)申請(qǐng)資料,并遵循以下給出的說(shuō)明。

       Thetable at the end of this announcement provides a list of substances covered by a CEP and for which a revised monograph will be implemented on1 January 2024 in Supplement 11.3of the Ph. Eur.


       According to Directives 2001/83/EC and 2001/82/EC, as amended, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to comply with the current version of a Ph. Eur. monograph, and therefore to update the specification when a revised monograph is issued. In addition, the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM) ensures that CEPs refer to the most recent version of a Ph. Eur. monograph at any time.

       根據(jù)2001/83/EC指令和2001/82/EC指令以及修訂案,制藥廠商有責(zé)任遵守歐洲藥典的最新版本,并在修訂的藥典發(fā)布后更新質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。此外, EDQM確保CEP隨時(shí)參考藥典的最新版本。

       The need to submit information to the EDQM following a revised monograph depends on the changes made to the monograph. Updates to the monographs are classified by the EDQM into two categories, labelled “Case A” and “Case B”, and this influences the information required. In the list of revised monographs below, it is indicated which classification (“Case A” or “Case B”) is applicable. In addition to this web announcement, the EDQM, as a courtesy, will contact CEP holders with details of how to proceed for the dossiers impacted by the revised monograph(s). However,it remains the responsibility of the CEP holder to comply with the requirements of the monographand if necessary to update their respective applications by the implementation date of the revised monograph at the latest, regardless of whether they have been contacted by the EDQM.


       Case A-The specification of the substance should be updated according to the revised monograph. Unless the CEP holder has made reference to the “current version of the monograph” (without providing details on the Ph. Eur. tests and methods in the CEP application), the updated specification should be included in the next request for revision that is submitted to the EDQM (minor, major or renewal of the certificate) and identified as such at that time (such an update will be free of charge). Where the CEP holder has made reference to the “current version of the monograph”, the revised monograph should be implemented without the need to update the specification of the substance at the next request for revision.


       Case B-This case concerns amendments to the monograph which require the submission of data to the EDQM.


       An updated dossier demonstrating that the substance complies with the requirements of the revised monograph should be provided within three months of the EDQM contacting the CEP holder. The company is asked to provide a Module 1 briefly discussing the changes made to the application. This module should also include a clarification on whether all related substances are controlled using only the method described in the revised monograph and whether the substance contains any impurities which are not described in the revised monograph (and which are found above the reporting threshold of the Ph. Eur. general monograph 2034).


       Module 3 should be updated to include, as necessary:


       a comparison of the impurity profile of the substance with the updated transparency list of the monograph (3.2.S.3.2 “Impurities”, 3.2.S.4.5 “Justification of Specifications”);

       將物質(zhì)的雜質(zhì)檔案與修訂后的藥典透明度列表進(jìn)行比較。(涉及3.2.S.3.2雜質(zhì), 3.2.S.4.5標(biāo)準(zhǔn)論證部分)

       a discussion on the suitability of the revised monograph to control any impurities which are not described in it;


       an updated substance specification/test methods description (3.2.S.4.1 “Specifications”, 3.2.S.4.2 “Analytical Procedures”);

       更新后的物質(zhì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)/測(cè)試方法描述信息。(涉及3.2.S.4.1標(biāo)準(zhǔn), 3.2.S.4.2分析規(guī)程部分)。

       certificates of analysis of two batches with reference to the revised monograph (3.2.S.4.4 “Batch Analysis”);


       validation and cross-validation data when an in-house method is used as an alternative to a new test method in the monograph (3.2.S.4.3 “Validation of Analytical Procedures”).


       In the “Case B” scenario, CEP applications require an update and therefore any holder of a CEP for a substance in the “Case B” list below is expected to provide the requested information to the EDQM, even if no specific request for information was received (this may happen namely when information regarding a change of contact person has not been submitted to the EDQM in a timely manner).


       If the requested information has already been presented in the approved dossier, a simple letter stating this is deemed sufficient.


       Failure to update the CEP application and to provide data to the EDQM may challenge the validity of the concerned granted CEP, or delay the ongoing evaluation process of the concerned application.


       Upon receipt, data will be reviewed within three months and the CEP holder will be informed of the outcome of the evaluation. The assessment may also result in arevised CEPbeing granted.


       This procedure is free of charge, unless the holder submits, at the same time, a request for other changes.





       Note: The Ph. Eur. monograph for Donepezil hydrochloride monohydrate (3067) is suppressed in Ph. Eur. Suppl. 11.3, as the revised monograph for Donepezil hydrochloride (2582) will cover the anhydrous and monohydrate forms of donepezil hydrochloride. EDQM will provide specific guidance to CEP holders on how this change will be managed by EDQM shortly. No action is required by CEP holders at this time.

       注釋?zhuān)?/strong>《歐洲藥典》第11.3版補(bǔ)充版中取消了Donepezil鹽酸單水合物的Ph. Eur.各論(3067),因?yàn)橐研抻喌腄onepezil鹽酸鹽的各論(2582)將涵蓋Donepezil鹽酸的無(wú)水和單水合物2種形式。EDQM將很快向CEP持有人提供關(guān)于EDQM如何管理這一變更的具體指導(dǎo)。CEP持有人目前無(wú)需采取任何行動(dòng)。











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