
CPHI制藥在線 資訊 zhulikou431 歐盟GMP附錄1中強(qiáng)制性條款影響分析


作者:zhulikou431  來(lái)源:zhulikou431
為了幫助國(guó)內(nèi)無(wú)菌企業(yè)更快的熟悉EU GMP附錄1的具體要求,并加強(qiáng)擬進(jìn)入國(guó)際市場(chǎng)的無(wú)菌制藥企業(yè)的質(zhì)量提升工作,特梳理和分析EU GMP附錄1中的強(qiáng)制性條款,幫助企業(yè)技術(shù)人員更快理解和熟悉這份關(guān)鍵法規(guī)的要求。


       在國(guó)際無(wú)菌制藥行業(yè),有2部關(guān)鍵法規(guī)和指南被尊為圣經(jīng),其中一部是FDA發(fā)布的無(wú)菌工藝指南,另外一部就是EU GMP附錄1。經(jīng)過(guò)漫長(zhǎng)的修訂期,在2022年8月,EU GMP附錄1修改工作終于結(jié)束,定稿版本發(fā)布。這份新的GMP指南影響很大,因此為了讓企業(yè)有適應(yīng)期,設(shè)定生效日期是2023年8月。

       在近期,PIC/S也根據(jù)已經(jīng)發(fā)布的EU GMP附錄1發(fā)布了自己的GMP指南的附錄1。而中國(guó)已經(jīng)在2021年提出加入PIC/S的申請(qǐng),可以預(yù)見(jiàn)的是,EU GMP附錄1對(duì)中國(guó)制藥行業(yè)的影響也會(huì)不斷加強(qiáng)。

       為了幫助國(guó)內(nèi)無(wú)菌企業(yè)更快的熟悉EU GMP附錄1的具體要求,并加強(qiáng)擬進(jìn)入國(guó)際市場(chǎng)的無(wú)菌制藥企業(yè)的質(zhì)量提升工作,特梳理和分析EU GMP附錄1中的強(qiáng)制性條款,幫助企業(yè)技術(shù)人員更快理解和熟悉這份關(guān)鍵法規(guī)的要求。


       1- 下面為了行文流暢,從EU GMP附錄1中摘引的原文,只是引用強(qiáng)制性和要求非常具體的段落;無(wú)關(guān)內(nèi)容沒(méi)有被引用。

       2- 下面內(nèi)容只是引用了部分EU GMP附錄1的內(nèi)容,不是全部?jī)?nèi)容。


       4.4-The maintenance of unidirectional airflow should be demonstrated and qualified across the whole of the grade A area.


       4.4-Air pressure differences should be continuously monitored.


       4.6-Sliding doors may be undesirable for this reason.


       4.9-Sinks and drains should be prohibited in the grade A and grade B areas.


       4.10-The transfer of materials, equipment, and components into the grade A or B areas should be carried out via a unidirectional process. The removal of items from the grade A and B areas (e.g. materials, waste, environmental samples) should be carried out via a separate unidirectional process.


       4.11-The final stage of the airlock should, in the "at rest" state, be of the same cleanliness grade (viable and total particle) as the cleanroom into which it leads.


       4.12-Personnel airlocks: Areas of increasing cleanliness used for entry of personnel (e.g. from the grade D area to the grade C area to the grade B area). In general hand washing facilities should be provided only in the first stage of the changing room and not be present in changing rooms directly accessing the grade B area.



       4.12-Only materials and equipment that have been included on an approved list and assessed during validation of the transfer process should be transferred into the grade A or grade B areas via an airlock or pass-through hatches.


       4.13-For pass-through hatches and airlocks (for material and personnel), the entry and exit doors should not be opened simultaneously.


       4.14-Adjacent rooms of different grades should have an air pressure difference of a minimum of 10 Pascals (guidance value).


       4.15 Airflow patterns within cleanrooms and zones should be visualised to demonstrate that there is no ingress from lower grade to higher grade areas and that air does not travel from less clean areas (such as the floor) or over operators or equipment that may transfer contamination to the higher grade areas.



       4.19-Negative pressure isolators should only be used when containment of the product is considered essential (e.g. radiopharmaceutical products) and specialized risk control measures should be applied to ensure the critical zone is not compromised.

       解析:當(dāng)產(chǎn)品的污染風(fēng)險(xiǎn)(例如放 射 性藥品)被認(rèn)為是基本問(wèn)題時(shí),才允許使用負(fù)壓隔離器,采用采用特定的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)控制措施,以確保關(guān)鍵區(qū)域不被污染。這句話描述了負(fù)壓隔離器使用的特定情況。

       4.20-The background environment for open isolators should generally correspond to a minimum of grade C. The background for closed isolators should correspond to a minimum of grade D.


       4.21-Isolators-Generally glove integrity testing should be performed at a minimum frequency of the beginning and end of each batch or campaign.


       RABS-Gloves should be visually examined with each use, and integrity testing should be performed at periodic intervals.


       4.30-Unidirectional airflow systems should provide a homogeneous air speed in a range of 0.36 - 0.54 m/s (guidance value) at the working position, unless otherwise scientifically justified in the CCS. Airflow visualization studies should correlate with the air speed measurement.

       解析:在工作位置,單向流系統(tǒng)應(yīng)該提供均一的空氣風(fēng)速,范圍是0.36 - 0.54 m/s,除非在CCS中對(duì)于風(fēng)速另有論證。氣流可視化研究應(yīng)該和風(fēng)速測(cè)量相互關(guān)聯(lián)。

       通過(guò)上面這段描述,我們知道,具體單向流風(fēng)速要求,應(yīng)該和工藝和具體位置相關(guān),而不是必須采用0.36 - 0.54 m/s。

       4.32-The maximum time interval for requalification of grade A & B areas, is 6 months. The maximum time interval for requalification of grade C & D areas, is 12 months.


       4.35 Disinfectants and detergents used in grade A and grade B areas should be sterile prior to use.



       5.2-The frequency at which alarms are assessed should be based on their criticality (with critical alarms reviewed immediately).


       5.8-A conveyor belt should not pass through a partition between a grade A or B area and a processing area of lower air cleanliness, unless the belt itself is continually sterilised (e.g. in a sterilising tunnel).



       5.9-Tube length should typically be no longer than 1m unless justified and the number of bends should be minimized.



       6.10 Water for injections (WFI) should be produced from water meeting specifications that have been defined during the qualification process, stored and distributed in a manner which minimizes the risk of microbial growth (e.g. by constant circulation at a temperature above 70°C).

       解析:注射用水 (WFI) 應(yīng)使用符合在確認(rèn)過(guò)程中定義的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的水生產(chǎn),以將微生物生長(zhǎng)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)降至最低的方式儲(chǔ)存和分配(例如在高于 70°C 的溫度下持續(xù)循環(huán))。從這條可以看出,WFI循環(huán)溫度是硬性要求。

       6.12-Chemical testing results should be approved before the water system is returned to use and microbiological/endotoxin results verified to be within specification and approved before batches manufactured using water from the system are considered for certification/release.


       6.13-Sample plans should be based on the qualification data, should consider the potential worst case sampling locations and should ensure that at least one representative sample is included every day of the water that is used for manufacturing processes.


       6.15 WFI systems should include continuous monitoring systems such as Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and conductivity, as these may give a better indication of overall system performance than discrete sampling.



       7.5 Unqualified personnel should not enter grade B cleanrooms or grade A in operation. If needed in exceptional cases, manufacturers should establish written procedures outlining the process by which unqualified personnel are brought into the grade B and A areas.



       8.3 Filling of products for terminal sterilisation should be carried out in at least a grade C environment.


       8.22- Glass ampoules, BFS units and small volume containers (≤100 ml) closed by fusion should be subject to 100% integrity testing using validated methods.


       8.67- All air supplied to the tunnel should pass through at least a HEPA filter and periodic tests (at least biannually) should be performed to demonstrate air filter integrity.



       8.68 When a thermal process is used as part of the depyrogenation process for any component or product contact equipment/material, validation studies should be performed to demonstrate that the process provides a suitable Fh value and results in a minimum 3 log10 reduction in endotoxin concentration.


       8.79 If the product cannot be sterilised in its final container, solutions or liquids should be sterilised by filtration through a sterile sterilising grade filter (with a nominal pore size of a maximum of 0.22 μm that has been appropriately validated to obtain a sterile filtrate) and subsequently aseptically filled into a previously sterilised container.

       解析:如果產(chǎn)品不能在其最終容器中滅菌,溶液或液體應(yīng)通過(guò)無(wú)菌級(jí)過(guò)濾器(標(biāo)稱孔徑最大為0.22 μm,經(jīng)適當(dāng)驗(yàn)證以獲得無(wú)菌濾液)過(guò)濾來(lái)除菌,隨后填充到已經(jīng)預(yù)先滅菌的容器中。


       9.16 For grade A, particle monitoring should be undertaken for the full duration of critical processing, including equipment assembly.


       9.17 The grade A area should be monitored continuously (for particles ≥0.5 and ≥5 μm) and with a suitable sample flow rate (at least 28 litres (1ft3) per minute) so that all interventions, transient events and any system deterioration is captured.

       解析:應(yīng)連續(xù)監(jiān)測(cè)A級(jí)區(qū)域(對(duì)于 ≥0.5um和 ≥5 μm的顆粒)并以合適的采用速度(至少28升(1ft3)每分鐘的流速),以便捕獲所有干預(yù)、瞬態(tài)事件和任何系統(tǒng)惡化信息。從這句可以看出,A級(jí)區(qū)域懸浮粒子監(jiān)控的采樣流速,需要符合上面的硬性要求。


       10.3 The bioburden assay should be performed on each batch for both aseptically filled product and terminally sterilised products and the results considered as part of the final batch review.



       根據(jù)上面匯總和梳理的信息可以看出,剛發(fā)布的EU GMP附錄1對(duì)于無(wú)菌藥品提出了明顯的嚴(yán)苛要求。因此說(shuō),想進(jìn)軍歐盟市場(chǎng)的中國(guó)企業(yè),要提前準(zhǔn)備,才可以取得預(yù)期的成績(jī)。






   肖女士    021-33392297    Kelly.Xiao@imsinoexpo.com

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